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The Crisis Cast

Oct 24, 2022

The midterm elections of 2022 place an immense target on swing voters.  Congressman Rodney Davis returns to the Crisis Cast to break down the future of Illinois' place in the Republican Party.

Lissa and Thom unpack Davis' decade of service in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Davis was among those present during...

Oct 15, 2022

The United States Oath of Citizenship is the destination of some of the brightest minds and biggest hearts that call our nation home.

Inspired by the naturalization ceremony at Ellis Island's Great Hall on Constitution Day 2022, this episode traces the paths of our hosts' ancestors.  We'd like to honor your family...

Oct 6, 2022

In a nation long ruled by its railroads, the need for even faster freight delivery has magnified their power.  For the citizens of 8 Chicago communities, that power may exact a great toll.

During this episode of the Crisis Cast, Lissa & Thom bring to light two of the voices behind the Coalition to Stop CPKC.  Kevin...